The Reluctant Duchess by Sharon Cullen

When Lady Sarah Emerson started getting letters about her cousin's death, she could think of only one person to go to for help, her cousin's former fiancee Gabriel Ferguson, the Duke of Rossmayne. She soons finds herself living with the duke and his mother in order to protect her from the letter writer. Having always thought the Gabriel was an intimidating man, she is confused by her attraction to him.

Having never really noticed his former fiancee's cousin, Gabriel soon wonders how he could have missed seeing the beautiful and smart woman that was right in front of him. Planning to help Sarah and go back to India, he soon realizes that he might have a reason to stay. But he can't even begin to analyze his feelings until he knows that Sarah is safe and they find the person responsible for the letters.

Could the madman that brought so much pain be the reason these two find an everlasting love?

I loved this story!! I like that we have a wallflower that ends up blossoming! Sarah had always stood in the shadow of her more outgoing cousin. She didn't like going to parties and mingling with the ton. She really made herself invisible to those around her. But when she found something in which she had a passion for, she was a completely different person. She needed to find the person responsible for killing her cousin, who was like a sister to her. Breaking out of her comfort zone was much easier to do when she had something to fight for.

I really liked Gabriel. He was reluctant to have Sarah participate in the investigation, but soon learned that there was no stopping her. It was better for her to be with him, than have her go off on her own. He soon learned that she wasn't as meek as he had thought. He allowed her to grow into the woman that she was meant to be.

I'm really hoping that Montgomery will get his own story, but whatever Cullen puts out next will be on my must read list!!

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