Chasing Miss Montford by Claudia Dain

Chasing Miss Montford by Claudia Dain

Originally published in the Anthology An Encounter at Hyde Park

Miss Elaine Montford has been told that she must marry a titled gentleman. All her parents careful planning gets undone when she encounters Roger Ellery in Hyde Park. Thinking that she needs to be rescued, he practically drags her out of the park unchaperoned. 

Trying to stop the rumors from spreading, they plan a small dinner party to stop the tongues from wagging. But what happens next might be an even bigger scandal...

This was a very short read, less than an hour. It was quick paced and kept my attention. We even have a short visit with Sophia Dalby to make it that much more enjoyable.

If you want to quick, light read, this is the story for you.

You can purchase this book at the following retailers:

Thanks go out to Night Shift Publishing for a copy of the book in exchange of an honest review.

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